

Eric Middleton (M 58-69) has written of his visit to the school earlier this year.

“It was with wonder and awe that I came through the lakes and mountains to visit St Bees again. It was ten years since I launched my first book, ‘The New Flatlanders’, in the new lecture theatre. This time it was to launch the second book, ‘Dimensions of the Spirit’, and I was made so welcome by Ben Allen when I came to speak at the Head’s Guest Lecture on Monday 4th March.

Arriving on the Sunday, I was greeted by the Chaplain, and immediately invited to give an impromptu talk after his evening service. My lecture the next day was well received by the sixth formers and some staff, and I then enjoyed a wonderful meal with them in what used to be ‘Big School’! The next morning I was invited to talk more about the story of Flatland and the healing testimonies from the book. Indeed two or three then asked for a healing prayer for themselves. Last of all I presented copies of my two books to the school library.

I had invited my audience to come on a journey with me, never knowing where it would lead. These were real stories of healing of hurtful memories and often physical healing, in the name of Jesus.

They were not only true accounts of life-changing encounters with the Holy Spirit, but also new insights from contemporary science. These spiritual dimensions would also be found in music, art and indeed sport, and may touch our own spiritual needs for healing.

As I was leaving, it was particularly rewarding to be so warmly greeted by my old friend and ex-student, Nigel Halfpenny. He was reminiscing about the exciting and memorable chemistry lessons (I was Head of Chemistry from 1958-69). I finally fitted in a chat with Mr Turpin, as we talked about my playing in the St Bees Festival orchestra – I still play in the Teesside Symphony orchestra and in a string quartet.

My first book was republished by the Templeton Press in America, and led to a book-promoting tour of universities from New Jersey to Oregon, and back over to Minneapolis (where I was hosted by the professor, who was a fellow boxer at Cambridge).
‘Dimensions of the Spirit: Science and the Work of the Holy Spirit’ can be obtained from any good bookshop or from Amazon (also as an eBook).”

For more details, go to



The St Beghian Society,    St Bees School,    St Bees,    Cumbria,    CA27 0DS.
Tel: (01946) 828093     